Municipal Consent - City of St. Thomas Application
. You must register and login in to service to make application.
* Please note that these are required fields
Please read carefully:
Municipal Consent is the municipality’s authorization for a utility to occupy a specific location(s) within the municipalities right-of-way. Municipal Consent will only be issued to utility companies, commissions, agencies, other municipalities, or private applicants who have a municipal access agreement with the municipality applied to. The project of adding or modifying the plant is often subject to a Work in Right-of-Way permit.
Additional Conditions and Comments
Municipal Consent Applications shall comply with the City of St. Thomas Standards and Design Guidelines found here: link
The City of St. Thomas Standard Contract Documents - Supplemental Specifications (latest revision) shall apply to all work within the Right of Way.
General Requirements:
1. Utility locates shall be obtained prior to construction.
2. All installations shall be completed to a minimum depth of cover of 0.76m in boulevards and 1.0m under any road.
3. Where installations are within 1 meter of existing utilities the existing utility shall be exposed and hand excavation used.
4. Work carried out within the City ROW shall be in accordance with Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7.
5. Restoration shall be the responsibility of the utility and shall be in accordance with City standards.
6. The City does not approve utility plant installed outside of City Right of Way (ROW) or easements.
7. Should the installation differ due to field conditions please contact the City for alternate location approval.
8. The City is not responsible for permits required by others.
Note: Drawings may also be uploaded as additional attachments below.
RIGHT CLICK to add locations of where plant is being added or move to. Right click multiple points for a line.”
The road information displayed is also available at
Unable to find location from text entered.
Error geocoding location - please contact system administrator.
Municipal Consent - City of St. Thomas Details
This field supports the addition of your internal reference for this application.
Identify the plant to be installed or moved, where, and the associated drawing number.
Office Use Only
This section can only be filled out by staff.
Used with Approved permits to identify if further work is required, e.g., work inspection.
. You must register and login in to service to make application.